What a Pushup Contest Can Teach You About Trading

Some of you might know I’m a runner and cyclist (see P.S. below for a Strava link). This past weekend I ran a local trail race with friends.

After the race, the organizers held a pushup contest.

I wasn’t planning to participate, but when several of my friends were doing it, I decided to jump in as well. There were several strong looking guys in the contest, so my expectations were low.

I was into upper body strength several years ago when I tried to achieve 50 pullups in a row (I did 38), but that’s been ages.

This year, however, I decided to take a different approach. Instead of setting a lofty goal like doing 50 pullups, I set out to do a small amount of upper body exercises every single day.

For 6 months now, I’ve done 20-25 pushups and an ab exercise every day. There have been days I’ve missed (4 or 5 probably), but I don’t sweat it – as long as I “make it up” by doing double the following day, my average is intact.

There is no complex workout routine here: after a week the pushups aren’t hard and it only takes a couple of minutes to complete. The only real challenging part is doing it EVERY DAY.

Back to the contest last Saturday.

Much to the surprise of all my friends, all the burly participants, and most of all me – I won the contest.

I was shocked, but at that moment I realized my simple, daily routine provided a much broader foundation of strength than I imagined.

The same concept applies to your trading.

This is the first thing I help traders implement – a simple, efficient, trading review every single trading day.

It’s not hard and doesn’t take much time, but it works because you do it regularly.

But once you get this process in place, it creates an upward spiral where it’s almost impossible not to significantly improve your trading.

Here’s a photo of the pushup contest that my friend took. That’s me on the right in the jacket (it was pouring down rain):

P.S. Here’s my Strava profile if you’re interested in following me there. If you do, reply and let me know and I’ll follow you back.